March 2018 Calendar

March 2018! After an exploratory February, March is time to simplify.

I feel I live fairly simply, albeit there’s a slight chaos beneath that organised façade in my house (one just needs to pull open a drawer!) and also in my mind (where a dozen thoughts collide, clash and compete with each other to be first).

However, I feel that I do live rather simply. And by saying that, I mean that I do things that make me feel happy. Things like finding and eating great food, going for coffee and exercising outdoors. I also make time for the people I love and people I enjoy spending time with. All this combined means that I can live in a fairly stress-free environment and I try to teach my children to try to do the same.

March 2017: Simplify

Recently there has been alot of buzz around Minimalism. This was touted as A Documentary about the Important Things and minimalism as a lifestyle seems to be a movement that many people are starting to follow.

Then there is Marie Kondo and her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. Have you heard of her? She advises decluttering and organising. Along with that comes a multitude of YouTube videos on how to declutter and her method of folding. Give it a try one day and your wardrobe will never be the same!

How about you, how do you live simply? What else can we do to live simply? Perhaps it goes beyond throwing out all your un-needed items or decluttering (a topic we may explore further in April when our word for the month is Organise).


 March 2018