June 2018: Balance

June 2018 Balance

Balance! This word is the very essence of me… how I would like to live my life.


Cheesy cheese twisties, junk chocolate, deep-fried goodness, sweet things like almond croissants and a buttery kouign amann from Dominique Ansel’s Bakery in London.

Or what about a sweet nutty cinnamon roll from Fabrique Bakery at Covent Garden or a coconut gelato from Gelupo in Soho? All this, I consume regularly!

But don’t worry about my health and heart, readers! I BALANCE this!


I balance this with a wonderful poke bowl with soy, sriracha and sesame oil marinated fresh salmon on a bed of crisp greens. Or how about a delicious Buddha bowl with cauliflower rice and roasted sweet butternut squash with broccoli. I eat pastas rampant with the darkest greenest vegetables and loads of garlic or homemade granola with thick greek yoghurt and plump red berries. This I wash down with freshly squeezed OJ and zingy ginger.

This is me

Okay, Readers, I know this wasn’t the direction you were all thinking when the word BALANCE appeared on your feed. I know what you’re all thinking! But there are many ways to achieve balance and this one is me!

Food makes me happy. But, so as not to tip the scales too far to the right…too far to the left has never been achieved. I accept this in my maturer view of a BALANCED life. I exercise. I have a love/hate relationship with it. But it is a balance.

Netball, tennis, boot camp, the cardio I never say no to, but my old bones doth protest! So we balance this with pilates and long walks that I do get impatient with, but these do not hurt my lower back nor do they continually strain the tendons in my wrist or in my Achilles.

This week I’m even going to try Reiki with Steph Edwards, Master Reiki Practitioner. This will give me a different side of finding balance. Though I am sceptical, I am willing to accept and try.

Image from Instagram: @vanilla.beige
What I tell my kids

I tell my 13 and 11yos that I don’t mind if they spend forever and a day indoors lying on their bed, completely horizontal, as long as they balance this with the same amount of time outdoors running around like crazy lunatics.

Outside… so I can lock the doors and have my own horizontal time! BALANCE PEOPLE!

Download June 2018: Balance
Image from Instagram: @vanillabeigeloves

All images by Sabina Spiteri unless otherwise credited.

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