
  • T2 Tea

    Joy 2 the Wild with T2 Tea’s Christmas Range

    An invitation to a T2 Tea launch is always not to be missed. This time around we were invited to the launch of their Christmas 2017 Collection. What can I say… I’m in love. But you already knew about our love for tea, tea makers and tea-aristas with all our...
  • T2 Tea Chai

    Making Warm, Fragrant Chai Tea Without any Fuss.

    I have always loved the warm spice and sweet comfort of a good chai tea recipe. This has come in so many forms for me, the earliest of which is masala chai, drunk while eating a South Indian meal (with my hands) at Little India’s Komala Vilas. The most distinct...
  • T2 Tea

    Matcha and the Language of Love

    I realise that this will date AND reveal me as a hopeless romantic. However, let it also been known that in my 20+ years of marriage, my expectations of romanticism have been leveled… and far below my teenage fantasies. Still, let’s talk about T2 Tea, their matcha recipe and...
  • Fruitalicious Iced Tea Spritzer (by T2)!

    There is absolutely nothing better on a hot, sweltering day in Singapore than a T2 iced tea named the Fruitalicious Spritzer. I recently discovered how easy this was to make and believe me, it’s going to start featuring at any event I host in future. Tangy, sweet (but without...
  • T2 Tea

    Pro Tips to Get You Started on the T2 Tea Revolution

    Yes, I know, I’ve got the reputation of being a coffee fanatic. That’s easy to see with all the coffee articles I’ve been doing. However, tea has always been a favourite. Perhaps a bit more quietly, but a go-to drink when I want a bit of comfort. It was...
  • T2, From Little Melbourne Tea Shop to Global Tea Revolution

    For the last few years, I have been obsessing about coffee. Of course that will continue, but lately, tea has been presenting itself to me in different ways. I’m remembering how much I love it. It’s about the rituals, from the Japanese tea ceremony to a person’s individual way of brewing, with milk,...