I first came across Vanderohe.com when I was researching the clean beauty market in Singapore and got in touch with the Founder, Olivia Thorpe. On meeting her, I was struck by her warmth and positive energy, not to mention her glowing skin! It came as no surprise to me...
One of my favourite hashtags is #mytriberocks 🙂 And I certainly wasn’t going to leave #mytribe out of my clean beauty adventure! During the course of my wellness journey, I have made many changes to my lifestyle, my diet and my outlook. Along the way, my family have humoured...
With a fan base of close to a million, Ella Mills (Deliciously Ella) has inspired a generation of followers to choose a clean and healthy lifestyle through the food they eat. Suffering from a major illness (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome), she turned towards a healthy, whole food and plant based diet to...