deepest darkest suburbia

  • Italy Puglia Trullo

    MIS-Adventures in a Lesser Known Part of Italy – Puglia

    When you run out of things to say to someone, the inevitable question is always, “so where are you headed for the summer holidays?”. However, I swear, if I do ask you that question, I’ve NOT run out of things to say to you! I’m genuinely interested. Because I...
  • Scrapbooking

    Scrapbooking and New Discoveries

    I ADORE stationery! I could rummage around a stationery shop and trawl through websites like or even for hours on end – I don’t even have to buy anything. I just love stationery! Strangely though, I am always short on pens, staplers, pencils and erasers at home. Weirdly, my...
  • Missing the Tastes of Singapore in London: C & R Café

    Many years ago, whilst living in London, footloose and fancy free without kids (we call those times BC, i.e. “Before Children”), the Man and I discovered this little hidden gem, surreptitiously tucked away in a wee, cobbled lane in Soho – strictly two persons walking abreast. Needless to say,...
  • A Manhattan Bridge Walk

    I think most of us who have visited New York City (NYC) may have done the iconic Brooklyn Bridge walk. We even made the kids do it with us one time (we weren’t too popular that day). It was similar to the day we made them walk across another iconic bridge, the...
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Wanders

    Whenever I think of Brooklyn, I think of Kate Spade, you know “Cobble Hill’, “Cedar St”, “Cameron St” … or maybe, it’s because I’m slightly obsessed with handbags (and shoes). However, whilst I’ve heard of these places by living my life vicariously through handbags – interesting idea – I’ve...
  • Shopping

    DDS in NYC – A Trip Out to Woodbury Common

    What do you do on your first day in New York City (NYC)? Shop of course! Okay, really we had an excuse. We had flown into NYC on Sunday during the day and had to stay awake until bedtime so we spent the rest of the day walking and walking and walking....
  • NYC Empire State

    DDS Goes to New York City (NYC)!

    Last year Misses 12 and 10 (then 11 and 9) went on a school ski trip to Courmayeur, Italy. It was an 8-day trip so they were away from home for eight days, EIGHT days, that’s VIII days. BOTH of them together. This means NO KIDS for EIGHT whole days....
  • Deepest darkest suburbia 1955 Cafe

    A Reminisce from my Local Hangout: The 1955 Club (Surrey)

    When your 9 year old (who is now 10) says to you, “Mummy, they know you so well here, they bring you your coffee without you ordering it!”, you know it’s your local, your hang-out, your place. Over a year ago, my one friend, the delightful Mrs H, introduced me...
  • A Snippet from the Diaries of #deepestdarkestsuburbia

    The family and I relocated to the UK nearly two years ago, after a seven-year stint in Singapore. We’re here now, nearly permanently, if there’s such a thing. From the 24-hour city lights of London, NYC and Singapore to deepest darkest suburbia (DDS)… OMG, what have we done?! I...