Our Weekly Planner is made for you to customise your week and get you organised. Now available as a downloadable PDF, print it out and use it to stay on top of your priorities.   <h5></h5>

Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $1.50.

Our Weekly Planner is made for you to customise your week and get you organised. Now available as a downloadable PDF, print it out and use it to stay on top of your priorities.


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This purchase gives you access to the following PDFs:
  • The original minimal planner with To-Do highlighted in a different font.
  • The 2020 updated planner which is completely minimal.
  • The Teen version (inspired by our teenage daughters) with a handwritten font. It is available with two colours, rose and teal.
A snapshot of how to use the Vanilla Beige Weekly Planner and make it your own

The Vanilla Beige Weekly Planner is perfect for you to prioritise what is important to you. Write in your own list headings and sections then use our weekly planner to make the most of YOUR time.

Each day has a special section for you to write in your own area of focus.

Weekly Planner by Vanilla Beige

There are so many ways to use our weekly planner, here’s a quick guide

Weekly Planner

This printable is in A4 (210x297mm) size. Shrink or enlarge to fit your paper size when printing.

Weekly Planner – Teen (Rose)

VB Minimal Planner - Teen Rose

Weekly Planner – Teen (Teal)

VB Minimal Planner - Teen Rose

Weekly Planner – Minimal (2020 update)

VB Weekly Planner - MinimalWeekly Planner - MinimalWeekly Planner - MinimalWeekly Planner - Minimal Weekly Planner Trio