Being married to The Vegetarian means that I don’t actually cook a lot of meat at home. I dine out for my meat fix and will usually only cook meat when we have guests over. When this happens, I need my meat dish to be spectacular. This isn’t always easy for a meat novice like myself so enter The Meat Club!
Why we love it!
I don’t want to worry about how fresh the meat is or hassle about going from one shop to the next looking for affordable, high-quality meat. I actually know very little about preparing and cooking meat (shameful for a foodie, I know). And I am completely pathetic at picking out a good piece of meat or even choosing the right cut! Obviously, I need a way for meat to get to me, nicely juicy and ready to go – in a pan, on the grill or into the oven.
Luckily for me, there is The Meat Club. Since it opened it’s online shop a few years ago, The Meat Club keeps adding to their wonderful line of products available, from beef to chicken, even fish and veggie burgers! They also have an ever growing fan base and Ambassadors who continue to whip up great meals with The Meat Club produce. Their website is a treasure trove of great recipes so check them up for some inspired meal ideas.

The Meat Club delivers quality Australian proteins, direct from the source, to your door. We talked to Amy Bell, co-founder of this concept in Singapore. Thanks for taking some time to talk to us, Amy!
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a former lawyer and came to Singapore from Australia as a typical trailing spouse. My husband and I have two young girls (Harriet 3 and Elizabeth 1) and have lived in Singapore for 6 years.

What inspired you to start The Meat Club?
I grew up on the Gold Coast and was spoilt for choice when it came to fresh produce, and wanted to create a business that meant Singaporeans had access to the same quality I benefited from.
While I was pregnant with our first daughter, I became frustrated with the price and quality of beef and lamb in Singapore and felt that something needed to be done about it. Up until then, I had been working full time and bringing steak in my suitcase back from Australia while we were on holiday visiting family.
My co-founder and I started an online store that meant we had fewer overheads than traditional bricks and mortar operators. The savings could be passed on to our customers, and everyone could have access to good quality meat from the source.

Since then our online store has expanded from beef and lamb to include Australian hormone and cage-free chicken, free range chicken, kid-friendly sausages and gluten-free, vegetarian burger patties.
Who do you think would most appreciate The Meat Club and what it offers?
I believe The Meat Club would appeal to anyone that wants to eat well and live well, and particularly to anyone that finds grocery shopping a hassle. For me, I regularly forget to shop until the last minute, meaning we are often out of essentials. The Meat Club offers a unique ‘Click & Forget’ delivery model called Auto Pilot which means you can shop online and get a regular delivery every 4 weeks.

So how does it work?
Auto Pilot means you get a delivery every four weeks, with the flexibility to modify your cart or defer your order at any time while benefiting from ongoing convenience and savings (20% compared to a single purchase).
We also offer one off, next day delivery on a single purchase.
What has done well here in Singapore?
Members enjoy building their own meat pack to suit their family’s needs. Our cage and hormone free chickens have also been very popular since launching over a year ago.
Do you have a favourite product or recipe you’d like to share?
For red meat, my favourite cut has to be the Eye Fillet steak. It is a smaller but thicker cut of meat that is our most tender with an unbeatable flavour. Our short video on how to cook the perfect steak can be found here.
Our family are otherwise big fans of the cage and hormone free chicken breast, King Salmon fillet and the Roast Pumpkin and Chickpea Burger Patties.
Is there any advice you’d give to someone wanting to start their own produce oriented business and website?
A good idea is never enough. You need to believe in yourself, your product and be in it for the long haul.

Thank you Amy, for telling us all about The Meat Club!
For more information visit
Instagram: themeatclubsg
Facebook: themeatclubsg
Images provided by The Meat Club.