Delicious Swedish Cheese Pie Recipe

Cheese Pie Recipe

This Swedish Cheese Pie Recipe from my mother in law is a popular and traditional dish, served at many Swedish celebrations whether it’s in winter or summer. In Summer it’s often served over midsummer or crayfish parties, whereas in Winter it’s a must-have for Christmas! I love the simplicity of this dish, yet it has such rich taste and is so versatile. Perfect for a simple lunch when served with a salad. It works equally well as a side dish with a big feast (check out our conversation over a Shrimp Fest).
While the pie can be made with different cheeses, the best cheese to use is Västerbotten, which is cheese from a place in the Northern part of Sweden. According to the Swedes, this is THE best cheese from Sweden. Since it’s impossible to get this cheese in Singapore, we either use the cheese you can buy at IKEA or a mature, sharp cheddar.
Swedish Cheese Pie Recipe


NOTE: the fluid mixture consists of 1 egg for 100ml of liquid (or 50/50 cream + milk in equal parts). Depending on your form size, you can increase the mixture as needed.

  1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees Celsius.
  2. Line a round springform cake tin with baking paper at the bottom.
  3. Line the bottom and sides of your tin with puff pastry (you may want to butter the sides to prevent sticking).
  4. With a fork, poke little holes all over the pastry.
  5. Blind bake the pastry by placing the tin in your preheated oven at 225 degrees Celsius for 10min.
  6. Remove your pastry from the oven and allow to cool.
  7. Reduce your oven temperature to 200 degrees Celsius.
  8. Once cool, fill the pastry shell with the grated cheese.
  9. In a separate bowl, make the fluid mixture by combining the eggs, cream and milk.
  10. To the egg, cream and milk mixture, add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
  11. Pour the egg, cream and milk mixture on top of the cheese in the pastry case.
  12. Place in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 20min or until just cooked.

Enjoy with a simple salad like a fennel or the Five-minute Kumato Tomato and Basil SaladIt also pairs superbly with seafood like we did when we had our Shrimp Fest.

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