Elise Taxi Baby

Just when you thought you’d mastered the car-seat-in-taxis-thing and avoided spending the better part of your child’s college fund on getting a car in Singapore, you find yourself with TWO kids (or, the horror, THREE kids!) in car seats and the world is no longer as it seemed.
Taxi Baby
Cosco Scenera NEXT with RideSafer Delight

There are lots and lots of options for taking one child in a taxi – no matter how old or tall your child is. But as soon as there is more than one child, your practical options narrow significantly. Don’t fret, there are still workable options out there – here are the most popular configurations:

1. Choose a double stroller which can accommodate two car seats

Not all double strollers are created equal, but the best ones can accommodate two car seats. The following strollers can carry two infant car seats, one infant car seat plus one convertible car seat (such as Cosco Scenera NEXT or Combi Coccoro), or two convertible car seats:

  • Baby Jogger City Select (with the multi-model car seat adapter frames – both seats can be either forward or rear facing)
  • UPPABaby Vista (with the Chicco car seat adapter frames)
  • Contours Options Elite Tandem (with the universal car seat adapter frames)
  • Baby Trend Snap-N-Go double

The Cosco Scenera NEXT car seat is the safest way to take toddlers (up to 18kg, approximately 4 years old) in taxis. It’s a rear facing seat (it is 5 times safer for children to travel rear facing) and is the lightest car seat on the market, weighing just 3kg. It is certified to US crash test standards.

The Combi Coccoro is an alternative seat, however it is forward facing from 10kg, has a shorter maximum height (so it won’t last as long) and weighs 5.5kg. It is certified to European crash test standards and both seats are suitable to use from birth and their shells are narrow enough to fit into most frame-style universal car seat seat adapters for strollers.

Taxi Baby Stoller Hacks

2. Move your older child into a harness/booster seat and use your current set-up for your newborn

Young children are much safer in a car seat with a 5-point harness, but if there is a decent age gap between your children, your older child may be able to graduate from their current car seat into either a harness restraint or booster seat.

The RideSafer Delight is an innovative wearable child restraint which positions the adult seat belt over the strongest areas of their growing skeleton. It is designed for children aged 3+ (below this age, children are safest travelling in a car seat such as the Cosco Scenera NEXT) and is easy to carry around, and install in a taxi. It’s certified to US crash test standards. The RideSafer comes with a crotch strap and some models come with a tether strap; both are optional to use, but they significantly increase the level of protection offered to your child, so it’s strongly recommended.

For older kids, the Mifold is an excellent option. Arguably the smallest, most lightweight booster seat, the Mifold also positions the adult seat belt across the strongest areas of your child’s body. It is suitable for children aged 4+ and is certified to European crash test standards.

3. Get creative with your second car seat

The Cosco Scenera NEXT is such a lightweight seat, that you have almost unlimited options when choosing how to carry it. Consider using a shoulder strap, sitting it on the sunshade of your stroller or infant car seat, wedging it into your stroller’s basket, or using a bungee cord to hang it off the back of your stroller.

Check out our creative stroller hacks below:

Taxi Baby stroller hacks

Taxi Baby stroller hacks

Taxi Baby stroller hacks

Taxi Baby stroller hacks

Taxi Baby stroller hacks

And if you have a car?

Not all car seats will fit two- or three-across in the back seat of a car. Two of the safest car seats in the world are the Britax Two Way Elite and the Diono Radian 5. Both are certified to European crash test standards, brace against the front seat with Swedish-style tethers, and have a maximum rear facing weight limit of 25kg.

The Two Way Elite can be used from 9kg but has a taller height limit than the Radian 5 – so if your child is already over 9kg, then this seat will last them longer (since most children outgrow their car seats by height before they reach the weight limit). This seat can be used forward facing, but it doesn’t have forward facing tethers, so I don’t recommend it.

The Radian 5 can be used from birth but has a slightly shorter height limit than the Two Way Elite, so it likely won’t last quite as long. If you’re looking for a seat from birth, then this is a great choice. This seat can be used forward facing – it features an energy reducing top tether which is good news, but forward facing will never be as safe as rear facing.

While the Two Way Elite is narrow enough to fit three-across in most cars, it may not fit in some smaller cars. The Radian 5 has a smaller base and will typically fit three-across in any car.

Most of the products listed above are available from taxibaby.sg but if not, feel free to contact us and we may be able to point you in the right direction. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: elise@taxibaby.sg.

This article was originally written for and published by New Mother’s Support Group Singapore. It may have been edited for Vanilla Beige. Thank you to taxibaby.sg for sharing this with us. 

Read Elise Mawson’s interview on how she started TaxiBaby.