At the end of each item, I’ve added a link for where you can request to join the hunt on grouphunt.sg. Please note that I have not been paid for this article. I just find that Grouphunt is full of awesome up-and-coming products as well as classics that their community, myself a proud member, would like to hunt for. The only thing I do receive, IF you choose to use this link Vanilla Beige $5 Credit, is their standard $5 refer a friend credit towards other items (of which I have many) that I fancy. You will also receive a $5 credit when you join. So thank you for supporting us, if you do follow the link above! I think you will be eligible for the same deal if you refer a friend too. And while you’re at it, find out all about me here.
Grouphunt and Perk Coffee are also collaborating on an event where you can taste and play with the coffee gadgets I’ve already talked about (and perhaps a few more). Check out the event here.
Ok, hello! For those of us constantly dashing around town, this would be awesome! A manual, hand powered coffee press, think Aeropress, but with a travel mug all-in-one! I can imagine myself looking so cool turning up to a meeting with this thing, brewing my coffee and drinking it all in the same time it takes to introduce myself. Honestly, that would never happen because I am highly uncoordinated and the chances of a mess are high… But awesome thought. I want one! But which of the pretty colours would I get?!
To join the hunt for the Oomph, click the blue REQUEST button on Grouphunt here. RRP from SGD$70.27.
One of the things that the homebrewing expert, Paul at Perk Coffee said to get right was the grind size. Enter Kruve, the super sexy-looking grind refining system. All you have to do is pour in your ground coffee and shake. The sifter sorts out the perfect grind size and eliminates the finer particles and “boulders” as they call it. You can get multiple sifters for the various types of tools you’re using to make your coffee (all the um sizing is a bit too technical for me). I have to be honest and say that it was the sleek, triangular, gorgeous look of the thing that initially drew me in.
To join the hunt for the Kruve, click the blue REQUEST button on Grouphunt here. RRP from USD$49.99.
Stagg EKG
This one is on Kickstarter but just look at it! Sleek, modern, beautiful… There is temperature control, there is a LCD screen, precision spout, counter balance handle. You can also turn it off and on with an app! Yes, we are talking about a kettle here. Though I think this would kick me up to “pro” status if I was going to get this fanatical about water temperature. I can see all the Pro Guides I could write now!
To join the hunt for the Stagg EKG, click the blue REQUEST button on Grouphunt here. Kickstarter pledges available from USD$149.
Ok, here’s a classic for you and I would be happy owning the six cup Chemex with signature wooden ring around the neck. Really, to continue being the novice that I am, a Chemex would make my life complete.
To join the hunt for the Six Cup Classic Chemex, click the blue REQUEST button on Grouphunt here. RRP USD$43.50
PERK Pourover Coffee Machine
Another Kickstarter but this one would be the ultimate machine for a novice like me. It is the be all and end all to manual brew because it’s made it automatic and non-manual! 🙂 You basically put the coffee and water in then press the button. Out comes perfectly brewed pour over coffee every single time. I love how it looks. I love what it promises to do. Though I know I would miss the ritual and process of pouring my own cup of coffee, carefully, artfully, lovingly… I just want this thing anyways!
To join the hunt for the PERK, click the blue REQUEST button on Grouphunt here. Kickstarter pledges available from USD$174.
Cafflano Klassic
To end my little list of wants, another do-it-all machine. This one is completely manual from grinding the beans (with a little elbow grease), to brewing, to take-away and drink.
To actually order the Cafflano Klassic on Grouphunt, click the blue JOIN GROUP ORDER button on Grouphunt here. Join the group order to purchase it for $109.90 (RRP SGD$159).
Don’t forget to read our other coffee articles below!
- Flavour Notes: Coffee Cupping with the Pros at Perk Coffee
- Novice Guide: Instant Coffee vs Homebrew (Alternative Brew) Coffee
- Novice Guide: Homebrewing Coffee Basics with the Mr Clever Dripper
- Novice Guide: Homebrewing Coffee Basics with the Aeropress
If you have no patience (like me!) and want to get started right away with a complete package (using V60, French Press or Aeropress), check these out from Perk Coffee.
Coming up will be my Novice Guide: Homebrewing Coffee Basics with Iwaki Water Drip Cold Brew so like us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter in the blue bar at the top of this page.
Cover image by Vanilla Beige. All videos sourced from the product pages. We were not paid to write this article. Opinions and comments expressed are the author’s own, based on personal experience and preferences.